Eu vou postar a minha música de Wizard Rock preferida, ela é Ode to Harry Potter, da Switchblade Kittens.
But you just exclude me from your circle of three
I'm right in front of you, but you don't see
You treat me like I'm a Colin Creevey
I love you
But it seems you don't love me
My friends say you're so brave
And I know
You will see that we were meant to be
When you miss me it will be too late
I have swallowed so much love my hair grows red
Come over to my house to see my brother instead
You didn't get my Valentine, didn't know what it meant
Every page about you my diary's read
I love you
But it seems you don't love me
My friends say you're so brave
And I know
You will see that we were meant to be
When you miss me it will be too late
Even though you're the one I adore
Next year at Hogwarts you'll see I've transformed
I will hold my head up high, I'm a Gryffindor
And you won't need to save me anymore
I love you
But it seems you don't love me
My friends say you're so brave
And I know
You will see that we were meant to be
When you miss me it will be too late [x2]
When you miss me it will be too late
When you miss me it will be too late
A letra da música é como se fosse a Ginna cantando para o Harry, eu achei a letra super legal, e vocês?
Achei legal e melhor que a do segundo livro, que a Gina fez pro Harry no dia dos namorados
ResponderExcluir"teus olhos são verdes como sapinhos cozidos,
teus cabelos negros como um quadro de aula kkkk... até hoje eu me lembro.
kkkkkkkkk É definitivamente é muito melhor